It’s in the back of our minds.
Pay off student debt. Save for a house. Save for retirement. Budget.
As much as we’d like to keep it there, it lingers and adds stress to our daily lives. Maybe it even keeps us awake at night. You may ask yourself how you’re supposed to reach these goals when you can barely make it to the end of the month. You may find yourself praying that you don’t have a financial emergency because you don’t have enough money in your bank account to cover you if you did. Maybe you’ve heard of budgets, but don’t know where to start.
And buying a house and saving for retirement? If you’re anything like me, they may be pushed to the farthest back corner of your mind. After all, you may have just recently started a new job and figure that you’ve still got plenty of time before thinking about those things.
I get it. Dealing with money can be overwhelming. Rent is expensive! Buying a house is expensive! Salaries may not be what you had hoped for and student debt is no joke. You have no idea where to even start. It’s easy to continue brushing off finances for another year…
Yep, that’s exactly what I did.
Enter myself 10 years later. Oh, how I wish I could go back and redo some of my financial choices! Let me tell you, I’d be much wealthier at this moment in time if I would have chosen to become financially savvy 10 years ago! Unfortunately, there are no redos in life. We do, however, have the opportunity to decide the journey to take from here on out. Will it be a prosperous one?
Psst! I’m going to let you in on a little secret. The difference between where you are at right now and where you want to be financially lies in choosing to become intentional with your money and deciding once and for all to power up your financial game. It’s about learning how to make your money work for you.

Now close your eyes and imagine how it’d feel to quit living paycheck to paycheck. Imagine how it’d feel to be prepared for an unexpected financial emergency. Now picture yourself having more freedom in life to do the things that you want to do without stressing over money.
But wait, there’s more.
Yep, that’s right.. retirement! Many people are waiting to do the things they’ve always dreamt of in retirement, yet in reality, 1 in 4 Americans don’t have any retirement savings and those who are saving only have an average of $88,400 in their retirement accounts, according to CBS News.
Now imagine being one of the few who have carefully prepared for retirement days of kicking up your feet on gorgeous white sandy beaches. Picture yourself feeling a sense of security and excitement about your future, rather than worrying about it. Feels great, doesn’t it?
Ask yourself this. How would having less financial stress make you feel in your day to day life? More confident? Relaxed? Happier?
The sooner you start to power up your money game the better. I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but I cannot stress it enough, so I’ll say it again, this time louder. After all, it took many times until I actually heard it. The sooner you start to power up your money game the better! Hopefully you heard me that time.
Managing your finances and learning how to make your money work for you is crucial to living a financially prosperous life. It will make the difference of you ultimately being able to enjoy your retirement years or end up having to work a low paying part-time job during your golden years just to make ends meet.

So, how do you stop imagining and start creating a more prosperous financial future?
The key is by learning how to manage your money and furthermore, learning how to make your money work for you so that you don’t have to!
Now that’s where I come in. You can think of me as your coach or as your future self in 10 years’ time. Whatever works best for you. Together, we will take a close look at your current financial situation, along with your financial goals, to see what tweaks can be made and what improvements can be implemented. We will create an individualized plan, complete with action steps that you can immediately start taking to improve your financial future.
As the Chinese proverb says, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” This couldn’t be more true when it comes to starting your journey towards financial prosperity. Your time truly is now.